The Choice Is Yours

A whole-food, plant-based diet will boost your immune health to HELP drive off COVID-19, based on actual proven research. In addition, by embracing a plant-based diet, you are also leaving a smaller environmental footprint. Food habits adopted by modern society accelerate global climate change. Studies show that a plant-based diet reduces an individual's carbon dioxide emissions. So we are leaving a better earth for our children and all the sentient creatures with whom we share our planet.

Choose a diet that's based on whole foods, instead of processed foods, starting with whole fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. As the name suggests, it's primarily based on plants. This type of diet is a whole package of nutrients, so there's not much need for supplements.

As a health practitioner and proponent of plant-based, whole food diets for people with disease, I believe food is medicine. However, the medical community doesn't advocate therapeutic use of whole food, plant-based nutrition and lifestyle interventions. Medical practitioners often don't give patients the benefit of the doubt, believing that people won't change their diet, so it's not worth taking the time to talk to them about nutrition. Fortunately, they are doctors that talk to patients about lifestyle changes that can help them.

I find that people are very responsive, and it's rewarding to see the improvements in well-being that can happen when patients take charge of their fitness and nutrition.

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PO Box 1172
Mauldin, SC 29662


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    Mauldin, SC 29662

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    © 2022 – SHEI – Southeast Health Education Initiative. All rights reserved. DISCLAIMER – SHEI is a nutrition, food skills, and education resource and does not provide medical advice and is not intended to substitute for medical advice, guidance, or treatment. Resources shared on our website are for educational purposes only. We’re here to support the community with plant-based nutrition education, tools, and lifestyle support with Seminars and Workshops. Please contact your healthcare provider(s) for guidance on specific conditions, treatment, and lifestyle changes before making any changes to your diet, or if you require medical care.
    Site customized by Lindsey Owen White
    Driving Change in All 13 Southeast States100,000 Mile Drive for Change Campaign

    Support SHEI by giving $1 per mile to our 100,000 Mile Drive for Change campaign. Our goal in the hosting of educational cooking is to get 100,000 new people eating a whole food, plant-based diet throughout the 13 Southeast states to protect against COVID-19.

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